Saturday, September 13, 2014

College Dreams

We dropped Jared's application in the mail today. He wants to go to college,and I have promised him I will do whatever I can to get him there. So, that's it....application in. Now we wait for a scholarship. You see, Medicaid won't pay for it because the program is not inclusive; isn't that ironic? Because Otsego Academy is a college for individuals with disabilities only and not open to the public, medicaid won't help Jared out. It's silly, don't you think? So we will wait for that chance, that chance for a scholarship that will make Jared's dream a reality. He just wants to live in a dorm, hang out with friends, and learn how to be even more independent than he already is. And if he does this around other people like him, I don't think that's bad at all. I think he will have fun. So, when the envelope was sealed and sent today, I felt some hope. Jared and I are going to hold onto that hope for a bit and see what happens. That must be what it feels like to have options, to do things even if others say it can't be done.

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