Friday, July 29, 2011

The Man He Will Be...

Once in a while, I am blessed to have someone tell me about an interaction they had with Jared. It's important for me to see Jared through the eyes of someone who is not his parent. So often, I get bogged down in the caring for Jared and forget that he is a young man with thoughts, hopes and dreams not unlike other teens.  Recently, someone shared a story with me, an encounter they had at the camp where Jared works.  Jared shared with this person how he once just sat around and watched a lot of TV, but now he feels healthy and fit and he likes the choices he is making! It's funny because lately, we have seen a Jared with purpose, with a light in his eyes. I hope that what we are noticing is what Jared is becoming, a happy man who believes that he matters in the world.  That thinking will take Jared far, I think.  It's important for us to give our kids the space they need to discover what makes them tick, what makes them get off the couch and embrace life.  It seems that Jared is finding his place in the world, and that people are noticing.

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