Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hasbro House

The other night, Jared and his little brother were playing "Life" on the Playstation, and while they were completing college, getting married, and having 2.1 kids, I began think...
First spin: pick a chance card-You have just had a baby with Down Syndrome. Take 2 steps back.
Second spin: Discover a Down Syndrome support group. Go forward 3 steps.
Third spin: You've just discovered a hole in your heart. Have surgery. Miss a turn.
Spin again: Gluten allergy-no more cakes and cookies for you.
Spin again: Wegman's started stocking some really good gluten free options! Move ahead, feeling better and less deprived!
Spin again:  You win an inclusion battle at the local school.  Move forward
Spin again:  Pass a few opportunities, but realize that other doors have opened up.
Spin again: This one is my favorites: Obtain a "fast pass" from Disney World. Go to the front of every line. (new moms and dads of kids with a disability, you can totally get this pass, and darn it, it is so much fun going to the front of the line--our kids deserve to be in the front of the line sometimes!)
Spin again: Find friends to play in a kick ball league. Miss a turn because you are laughing so hard.
Spin again: Soar ahead! You just went to the prom with your girlfriend!
Spin again, and again, and again. Sometimes you will be pushed back. Other times you will move forward. And you will keep moving forward even if it seems like sometimes you are not moving at all.  Jared, you will win this game of Life.  And you will experience love and joy along the way. And promise me, you will keep spinning, and I promise you that I will be there when you take every turn.

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