Monday, November 21, 2011


Seemed like an appropriate, if cliche time of year, to put some of my "thank-you's" down...
I am thankful for Mr. Z a quiet man who is always there to help Jared be a part of the wrestling team.  I am thankful for all of those people who stand by our most vulnerable and who give up part of their life to enrich other's. They don't have to do that, but they do, and for that I am thankful. I'm thankful for the Special Olympics coaches who always, always have smiles and support for the athletes.  I'm thankful for the teens in the Friend to Friend program who take time to hang out with the kids in the high school with special needs; the ones who have the same desires for goofy fun that we all did as teenagers. And I'm thankful for those same Friend to Friend volunteers who don't wait for an official meeting to talk with the boy with autism or to make the girl in the wheelchair laugh. I'm thankful for our church community and for all the moms (and some of the dads) who cried yesterday when Jared sang, "Let Their be Peace on Earth", his voice ringing through the building and envleloping all who were there with a love so strong that I'm sure God was in the room with us.  I'm thankful for the babies Jared will hold even though he will not have a child of his own to raise.  I'm thankful for the moms who encourage their children to accept Jared's offers of love and care.  I'm thankful for my husband, who stands by me, unwavering when I lose it, supporting me when I'm scared about the future, but most importantly, telling me how funny I am, how he admires that, more often than not, I face the world with a smile and with an optimistic view that paints everything as just right.  What I don't tell him is that it is his support that lends to that bright outlook.  And you know what?  I can't think of anything that went really right when I faced it with negativity.  I'm thankful for my sons, my strong, handsome, and funny almost 15 year old, who even when Jared drives him crazy, still takes care of him and would protect him against anything, and my silly, sweet, beautiful almost 8 year old (whom I heard singing "Let There be Peace on Earth" in the kitchen last night when he didn't know anyone was listening.) I am thankful for the doctors who fixed Jared's heart so many years ago and the nurses who protected my baby like mother tigers.  I'm thankful for all of the doctors and nurses in the world. You have the bravest jobs.  I'm thankful as I hear my children stirring this morning while I write this. Jared has been up since before me, his brother is packing a lunch, and another brother burrows under his covers on this cold November morning. This holiday time morning, let there be a peace so strong that it is palpable, that you feel the warmth of that peace as you look around and think about what it is that you are thankful for.
God Bless you all, and happy Thanksgiving.

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